Scouting Programs
The CELL is proud to support both Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA with our dynamic, engaging clinics. Our experiential learning programs inspire leadership, service and community engagement. Scouts can earn merit badges through an array of clinics from Emergency Preparedness to Citizenship in the World.
Scouts, take your first steps toward becoming future leaders in civic engagement.

Clinics Offered
Emergency Preparedness
(Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA) – Colorado is a beautiful state, but it’s no stranger to disasters and emergencies. If you successfully complete this training, you won’t be caught off-guard even when the unexpected occurs. You’ll learn the five critical steps in emergency preparedness and you’ll also discover what you can do in each step, especially during the kinds of emergencies we see throughout Colorado.
Citizenship in the Nation
(Scouts BSA) – It’s a big word: “citizenship.” It gives us a lot of rights here in the U.S., but there’s more to it than that. There’s pride in being a citizen, and there’s responsibility, too. So what does it mean to be an active part of our nation? How do we participate and take part as informed, aware people? You owe it to yourself, your community and our nation to find out!
Citizenship in the World
(Scouts BSA) – We have clear rules on how you get to be a citizen in the U.S. But what does being a responsible citizen of the world involve? That’s what we dig into in this clinic. It’s about laws (both national and international), and it’s about what respect looks like in global terms. Sometimes we choose allies based on similar governmental systems; sometimes we choose them based on history; and sometimes we choose them based on shared values. How do we as Americans play a part in that?
Crime Prevention and Safety
(Scouts BSA) – Your community can be safer for everyone if you step up and do your part. That means learning what to look for all around you: you can play a key role in your neighborhood by spotting telltale signs of crime or public health dangers. And get this: completing this clinic satisfies the requirements for both the Crime Prevention and Safety badges. It’s a twofer!
Clinic Formats
The CELL’s clinics are currently offered virtually via Zoom. But in 2024, the CELL Exhibit in downtown Denver will reopen to the public as an all-new, totally updated experience. We will resume hosting in-exhibit merit badge clinics at that time.
Details on both formats are below.
In-Exhibit Clinics
(Returning 2024)
Led by CELL representatives, each merit badge clinic makes the most of the CELL Exhibit space. There’s nothing like talking about safety and recognizing threats when you’re actually surrounded by the evidence of why it matters! We’ll talk about aspects of crime prevention and public safety that affect you and your community, and we’ll incorporate elements of the exhibit itself in our discussions and hands-on activities.
Virtual Clinics
We get it: an online clinic doesn’t feel exactly like one at the CELL Exhibit. But it’s close! And with two highly trained, YPT-certified counselors on screen and ready to engage with you on topics of crime prevention and public safety, you can feel confident knowing you picked the right merit badge clinic.
$1.50 per person per day of training
Troop Talk
Frequently Asked Questions
The CELL offers virtual clinics for the Eagle-required merit badges Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World and Emergency Preparedness. The Crime Prevention and Safety elective merit badges are also taught together in a single clinic.
- Scouts have the opportunity to fully complete Citizenship in the World during the CELL’s virtual merit badge clinic.
- Citizenship in the Nation, Emergency Preparedness, Crime Prevention and Safety are partial completions. In the CELL’s Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Clinic, Scouts complete all but requirement #7a, 7b or 7c; they can optionally submit work for that requirement to fully complete the merit badge. In the CELL’s Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge Clinic, Scouts complete all but requirements #1, 5, 7a and 8b, and they can optionally complete #7b. In the CELL’s Crime Prevention & Safety Merit Badges Clinic, Scouts have the opportunity to nearly complete two electives. For Safety, they complete all but requirement #6. For Crime Prevention, they complete all but requirements #7 and they can optionally complete #6.
- We do not require that Scouts complete any requirements before starting our merit badge clinics.
- Scouts do not need to have completed their First Aid Merit Badge before starting the CELL’s Emergency Preparedness merit badge clinic (requirement #1).
- Register for your desired clinic dates at
- CELL virtual merit badge clinics are run using Google Classroom and Zoom. Scouts complete independent work before Day One and between Day One and Two, and they complete in-class activities with counselors and other Scouts during live Zoom meetings. In Crime Prevention & Safety, Scouts also lead a meeting with their families after Day Two in order to finish additional requirements.
Scouts do not need to submit a blue card with their Scoutmaster’s signature before starting the clinic. However, BSA policies require Scoutmaster approval prior to starting any merit badge. It is the expectation of the CELL that all participants in the CELL’s merit badge clinics attain the necessary approval from their Scoutmasters prior to the beginning of the program. Scouts also need to understand that the Scoutmaster does not need to accept or approve any work completed on a merit badge without their prior approval. Please inform your Scoutmaster of your intent to participate in the merit badge programs being offered by the CELL.
- Scouts must attend both Day One and Day Two and submit completed versions of all assignments in order to complete the CELL’s merit badge clinics.
- Scouts should use the CELL Workbook found in the Google Classroom, which helps them complete requirements in the order taught during the merit badge clinic and confirms that each Scout personally completed the requirements. It is very important that Scouts fully complete the CELL Scout Workbook, which includes both independent assignments and in-class notetaking.
- All of the CELL’s merit badge counselors are registered through the Greater Colorado Council and maintain YPT certification.
- Two adult counselors, including at least one female counselor, sign in for every live Zoom lesson. All correspondence via is copied to multiple counselors.
- Our counselors will email signed PDF blue cards to Scouts who complete the merit badge clinic. This will be sent to the email address used at registration. Scouts usually receive their blue cards within a week after the submission deadline.
- If your troop requires Scoutbook, contact us at after receiving your blue card via email, and we can connect there too.
While we prefer Scouts attend both days of the same month, we understand that this is not always possible! Your Scout can register for a makeup session the next time it is offered. Please email with your requested makeup date so our counselors can keep track of your Scout’s attendance. Your Scout should submit all of their work to the Google Classroom for the month when they attend their second clinic day.
- The CELL’s counselors are available to help Scouts finish their open requirements for these badges after they complete the merit badge clinic, or you may work with another counselor.
- Once your Scout is ready to discuss all open requirements, contact us at to schedule a phone call (speakerphone with an adult in the room) to discuss the requirements and update your Scout’s blue card.
Parking is available at the Cultural Center Complex Garage on 12th Avenue. Wheelchair-accessible parking and electric vehicle charging stations are available. Additional parking lots are available nearby.
You can, and we recommend it. Purchasing your tickets online before your visit saves you time and ensures admission. Tickets can also be purchased at the exhibit (subject to availability).
- No food or drink allowed.
- Please travel lightly – large bags and backpacks are not permitted.
- No photography or videography within the exhibit.
At a moderate, thoughtful pace, most visitors spend two hours at the CELL Exhibit.
Given the complexity and seriousness of the subject matter, we recommend visitors be age 14 and older.
The exhibit is ADA-compliant and wheelchair-accessible. We are committed to accessibility for every guest. For more information, contact us at
We will continue to monitor and comply with all local, state, and federal regulations and recommendations regarding Covid-19. We respectfully require all guests to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks. Additional safety measures have also been implemented: capacity limits, no-contact booking and hand sanitizer stations throughout.
Yes! The exhibit is open for guided tours.
Yes, staff-guided tours are available. Reserve a guided tour by visiting [link to book a tour]
The CELL is excited to offer private event space for your group. For details on renting the exhibit for your event, visit our Rentals page to learn more.
Indeed we do! Discounts are available to students, seniors (65+), and government/military employees. For more details, please visit our Ticketing page